Thursday, May 8, 2008

for the digital dimension....

hello - after some discussion, it was decided that this (blogspot) would be the best and least obnoxious way for communicating with the outside world. i hope that we can keep a running list of upcoming shows, as well as provide answers to the same 3 questions we keep getting asked over and over. if you need to speak directly to one of us - please use christophercorry(AT)gmail(DOT)com.

current info --

gigs -
  • weekend w/ sex/vid during their summer tour
  • something in canada?
  • etc.

releases -
  • new recordings are finished. mixing is under way. new vinyl this summer/fall(?) on youngblood & clean plate.
  • the collaborative release with fucked up has been completed, however due to numerous contractual agreements and other litigious paper work with the signatures of both groups, as well as other groups that members of these groups are a part of, the release is indefinitely shelved as we're unsure of how it can be legally released. please do not contact either band regarding this release. we have private consults at 2 different law firms specializing in different types of law practice reviewing our affairs and trying to best determine how this music can be made available to consumers.

bootlegged - so far we have not been bootlegged again (in 2008).

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